Source code for anchorman.generator.tag

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import copy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString

[docs]def augment_bs4tag(bs4tag, item, tag_markup): """Fill the base bs4tag element with data of the item.""" tag = copy(bs4tag) # add the attribute value pairs of item item_values = item.values()[0] exclude_keys = tag_markup.get('exclude_keys', []) for key, value in item_values.items(): if key is 'value': tag[tag_markup['value_key']] = value else: if key not in exclude_keys: tag[key] = value # add the text item_key = item.keys()[0] tag.insert(0, NavigableString(item_key)) return tag
[docs]def create_bs4tag(tag_markup): """Use BeautifulSoup to create a base tag element.""" new_soup = BeautifulSoup("", "lxml") kwargs = {x: y for x, y in (x.split() for x in tag_markup['attributes'])} bs4tag = new_soup.new_tag(tag_markup['tag'], **kwargs) return bs4tag


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